
719 updates
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man i am so impressed by the sheer amount of badass webpages being made by people from like, age 13 to age a hundred and billion. neocities owns
1 like
i'm SUPER excited about this...i'll definitely play it when it's more finished! best of luck, and do your best!
this is a really cute site!! i love your artwork and i'm glad you're enjoying having your own website :^)
maudfs 7 years ago

Thank you very much! :3

this is such a good and cute site ^o^
froghand 7 years ago

i agree wholeheartedly

This is really cool! You two are doing great and I like your character designs. Nice job!
1 like
This is fascinating! I never expected to see a full autobiography on Neocities. Thank you for telling us about your life.
wheniwasachildinferrol 7 years ago

Thank you, moon-hotel.

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedAug 27, 2013
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personal fanfiction writing webclap design