
719 updates
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Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...Please leave a message to me !
i pick my skin a lot too....... i get a little self conscious about it sometimes. school is really hard when you're surrounded by people that stress you out all the time, so hang in there, okay? much strength to you.
shelfdust 7 years ago

sometimes i pick my skin a lot so hard i rip the skin

romeos-diary 7 years ago

thank you so much moon ♥ you're a kind soul; i should really get in the swing of stopping my picking habit. ☮

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Thanks for following WebSiteRing!@
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rolls out of my hole. happy new moon
goodnight everyone. if you're celebrating america thankgive tomorrow then i hope it goes smoothly. take care of yourselves
life is hard right now but i just want everyone to know that im thinking of you. i hope life is good to each and every one of you.
moon-hotel 7 years ago

This Moon Loves You

these are so cool! i can't wait to see what else you release!
project2 7 years ago

thanks. love your site!

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the frames on my site look pretty good (imo) but it's a shame that whenever i update it, neocities' notification post has the individual page screenshots which aren't easy to read at all...

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedAug 27, 2013
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personal fanfiction writing webclap design