
13,018 updates
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i got a cool playstation light up thingy and also a playstation shirt along eith a gamecube one!!! so happy!!!
where i get guestbookr
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oh my god are yall proud of me i finally updates the ocs page WITH AN OC BIO AND SHIT WOAHHHHH IM SO PROUD OF MEEE :3 violet's up go look at him (hes sort of stilla wip but mt back hurts rn)
someone stop me from eating nutella please i just got so much energy wtf
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happyniss 2 weeks ago

unfortunately yes i am actually NOT a good influence and i actually do NOT have healthy habits

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ok so i actually redownloaded the sims. i am so obsessed with modding it yes give me ccs YES GIVE ME CCS PINTEREST i need them...... i still hate EA tho i will gladly steal from them. jk if u see this EA im just kidding!!! totallyyyy!!
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my cat still smells like wood....??? or like mildew???? idk its bad but i think hes just sleeping in a weird place and thats why his fur smells weird because he had a bath and still smells so i dont think its anything to worry about... just my cat being smelly... love him smelly baby
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im kind of sad because i gave my cat a bath and he still wont stop licking himself and now he smells very bad :( i dont know why hes doing it and i cant think of another reason other than fleas (which i've been trying to get rid of) and i cant take him to the vet because we're low on money right now. i think i will try and bathe him again and apply flea medicine again to see what will happen :(
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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedApr 13, 2022
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