Bugfox Forest

7,276 updates
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hey i'm not sure if you were aware of this but i'd like to alert you that the tiled background of the links page of your site causes a kind of flickering effect on some monitors that is somewhat eyestraining to look at; i really have no idea why this is or why it's inconsistent across different monitors i've tried, just thought i should let you know
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foxbugforest 2 months ago

Hi, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have not seen this occur on any screens or devices on my end, but I will look into this when I can tomorrow (it’s late where I am rn) and can rectify this issue or at least work out why it might be happening. I appreciate you letting me know as I definitely don’t want to cause eyestrain or any other issues of that variety for those visiting my site. Thank you. ^^

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I really like your art!
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foxbugforest 2 months ago

Thank you! ^w^

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 4, 2023
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art foxes comics biology insects