Fortis Arbor's Portfolio

1,474 updates
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Your website looks so cool so far! love the neon purple aesthetic! best of luck to your future updating ::-D
Noooo I changed my dream page so that it didnt share a name with a directory, so hopefully it would not show a 403 error.... but now it says the page doesnt exist. argghhh!! i saw someone else had a problem with this too, where some of their pages came up with 404 errors.... what is up with this... running into these weird issues keeps discouraging me from finishing it X-(
I can't seem to visit my own page for dreams, it gives me a 403 error. is anyone able to visit it? I have a directory under /silly/dreams, and a page at /silly/dreams(.html), could this be interfering?

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedOct 17, 2021
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art commissions design illustration digitalart