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I can't be fully journalistic with them because many of them are little short bits that have probably been passed around socials for the past 15 years with all sources lost, but they deserve to be somewhere besides ticked tock, methinks. Plus part of the point of my EtF / FIR coverage, in principle, is so that folks who want information about the bands can get it from someone who's neither a fan nor hater.
In that I won't either sugarcoat things or bite their heads off for having ever cared about him, which most Ronnie coverage tends to be either end of. FIR stuff is frankly almost too easy to find save what's in my research reports, but EtF Ronnie stuff is hard simply because it's old, so every little bit helps. Question is, do you think that belongs here.
Now, in practice, I don't think any Escape the Fate and/or Falling In Reverse fans have ever seen my Neocities, because that isn't where they are. (and frankly, Ronnie fans seem to lack the reading comprehension to appreciate it. I might be the official FIR Loremaster, but I still dislike FIR fans since they are generally disgusting. Folks interested in the band who aren't "fans" enabling Ronnie, though, come hang.)