Draggian Universe

11,220 updates
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some videos just weren't meant to be html embedded. getting my hour+ entire album review to below 100 MB so I can upload a compressed version to Neocities is of course being a pain in the arse.
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draggianuniverse 1 week ago

ok the versions of videos embedded on the SAASP page might be staying on Catbox due to loading times, but don't worry, I have compressed versions of them in local site directories for backup purposes.

draggianuniverse 1 week ago

it is the year of our lord 2025; any file with size measured in megabytes should not still be a problem. seriously contemplating turning it into an AVI and letting my mom's long-suffering Windows XP netbook grind at it in movie maker for like a week since modern compressors ain't doing it

draggianuniverse 1 week ago

Also, anybody know how to get Windows XP Movie Maker-compatible codecs on Windows 10? I got MM sideloaded, but it can't open AVIs without the codecs it recognizes, and I don't see any way to download them within or outside the software. Latest support queries on MS's website are from, uh, 2011.

draggianuniverse 1 week ago

might just split the video in two for neocities backup purposes and keep the embed from Catbox. Is it possible to do a "playlist" setup with video playback in HTML where once one video file ends, another plays automatically in the same embed?

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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