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ok the versions of videos embedded on the SAASP page might be staying on Catbox due to loading times, but don't worry, I have compressed versions of them in local site directories for backup purposes.
it is the year of our lord 2025; any file with size measured in megabytes should not still be a problem. seriously contemplating turning it into an AVI and letting my mom's long-suffering Windows XP netbook grind at it in movie maker for like a week since modern compressors ain't doing it
Also, anybody know how to get Windows XP Movie Maker-compatible codecs on Windows 10? I got MM sideloaded, but it can't open AVIs without the codecs it recognizes, and I don't see any way to download them within or outside the software. Latest support queries on MS's website are from, uh, 2011.
might just split the video in two for neocities backup purposes and keep the embed from Catbox. Is it possible to do a "playlist" setup with video playback in HTML where once one video file ends, another plays automatically in the same embed?