Draggian Universe

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Well, Paw Borough (cat petsite that launched Kickstarter in 2022) is now in closed beta and I exist there. Of course, everything is broken and all the text and images are placeholders and lorum ipsum. So I can't well get acquainted with the game. Hesitant to call it "beta", really, this is way below even alpha standards. But if you're there:
numbersstory 1 month ago

sent you a friend request :) it's really in a ridiculous state and i don't know what they think they'll accomplish by opening the beta rn.

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Frankly, I don't quite understand how this is what their "closed beta" looks like since they've been in development for at least 2 years, and I want to say alpha opened over a year ago. I joined Santae in alpha and they weren't...this, and this was before their Kickstarter funding. Lorwolf's beta was basically fully featured.

numbersstory 1 month ago

yeah, i've played lorwolf's beta too :( i'm going to stop bothering playing because i had a bugged cat so the "solution" was to send me back to onboarding and "wipe" my account's cats, which already had kids and outfits....

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Oof. At least I avoided the bugs, but I don't see any reason to play until it's actually clear what I'm supposed to do.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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