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CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
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CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
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CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
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sigh. i've taken too long of a break from doing this stuff that i've seem to have forgotten everything i had learned before... and i think possibly something from my previous format is messing with the new format im trying to replace it with. idk what is happening ughhh >.<
CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
your site brings me so much joy holy wowie
eatingsandwiches 1 year ago

Hey, this comment brings me so much joy, thank you so much for letting me know - yours does too., your redesign is going super cool as well and i'm excited to see how it shakes out

1 like
Did you upload your own font into neocities somehow?? I absolutely love the customization of your page
humanfinny 1 year ago

thank u very much! The current fonts I use are not made by me but are free for personal use, I have uploaded .ttf files into neocities, just into the folders, it seems to work most times! your prev site is so cool, im excited to see ur new version <3!

humanfinny 1 year ago

im no expert but if u have any questions about the fonts ill try my best to help out

vomitboy 1 year ago

oh cool, i'll have to try that! i tried before a long time ago and it didn't work, but i probably just uploaded it wrong, i'll definitely have to try again. and thank you!! i'm excited to try out some new formats :3

CUTMEOPEN was updated.
1 year ago
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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedJun 11, 2020
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