The web site of Vas

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bishoujo-ff 4 years ago

Didn't know you wrote fiction too.

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vas 4 years ago

Yeah, it's advertised in the header with eggplants.

bishoujo-ff 4 years ago

Thanks I found it. To be honest I am kind of jelly when people say they find all sorts of mentally ill weirdos on the internet cause all I find are normal people. Guess it's because I can't stick to any community for long enough to meet the crazies. Amazing Atheist... that brings back memories. That amerifat is still alive and making videos somehow. After sperging in 2016 on yt the natsies seems to have fallen out.

vas 4 years ago

If you want utter insanity, just join weird discord servers and lurk patiently.

1 like
strata 4 years ago

These are entertaining answers, Vasishiro.

joppiesaus 4 years ago

Really enjoyed these answers. Insightful. I must say that these answers lead to reflecting some of my own life(top 10 cheesy anime comments). I am a little surprised however that nobody else asked questions. Good luck, I wish you the best.


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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedApr 16, 2016
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