The web site of suika-hime

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How do I place gifs/images in a set place on a page without them moving elsewhere / when you adjust your screen, or look funny for somebody else? I checked my page on different resolutions and all of my pics look super wonky when they look good for me D:
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onlywonder 2 years ago

1) could be related to what position value you used (position:absolute/relative/sticky/etc.

onlywonder 2 years ago

2) are you using bottom: or right: instead of top: and left:?

suika-hime 2 years ago

I used this code, (position:fixed; right:1200px; bottom:420px; border:none;" to try and position it properly, or at least how it appeared on my screen (if that makes sense) but if I resize the screen slightly , they move completely, which worries me that other people might be looking at a messy page lol am I using a incorrect way to position images?

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onlywonder 2 years ago

ok!! If you change position:fixed to position:absolute it should stay put but! using bottom:420px instead of top:[whatever] will mean that it will move down on taller screens and up on shorter ones.

suika-hime 2 years ago

ok i fixed my code but it still moves but i did some research and apparently it can continuously change depending on someones screen resolution T_T; but hopefully it looks better now!

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