The Ecumene

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sostrata 1 year ago

Ten more images added. Mostly cute girls.

sostrata 1 year ago

More sona information, plus five new graphics four of which were made by me!

sostrata 1 year ago

Took a while, but now the graphics section is up to 455 images and they're better-arranged than they were before!

i dunno. i really don't have the brain to do more than the absolute most basic format work, but i'm unsure "hey this is just a background and text and images" is actually... bad. it's not, like, Especially Eye-Catching... but eh. that's fine.
sostrata 1 year ago

a lot of people who put more effort into this thing do like, blog and writing stuff on their sites and i've got some of that but the prospect of collecting my writing and putting it here is daunting

sostrata 1 year ago

found honeycomb stamps, added 18, probably overshared using them. it's alright

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 25, 2020
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