SenFlyer's Website

6,757 updates
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Hey cool site! I read your first blog post and it really resonated with me. An html website is like a blank canvas for your creativity compared to all the social network platforms you (and I) have been a part of. I followed you because I want to take the time to read your other posts. Also cool to see your artwork summary from childhood up until now! Keep it up!
1 like
senflyer 1 year ago

Thank you! I feel like in the past what held me back from trying this sooner is domain costs, and my low HTML skills. But coming across neocities changed that, and I'm so thankful to find others feel the same way. I don't currently have RSS set up yet, but I hope you'll enjoy the blog and art!

Website Stats

Last updated 18 hours ago
CreatedNov 27, 2023
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art personal anime vtuber writing