enter my strange mind...

4,094 updates
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my account has been "under construction" for like 2 months now i apologize LMAO it's just uhhh. school and recent hyperfixations tbh
resonancecascade 8 months ago

i'm still crazy about half-life i'm just crazier about fnaf rn

resonancecascade 8 months ago

i want to try to add more to this site but the moment something isn't in my face 24/7 i forget it exists (shit object permanence)

resonancecascade 8 months ago

ughhh i need 2 make a button for my site explodes explodes explodes. okay i'm gonna try to make a to do list

i see a site with half life things on it and I need to follow immedietally . . .
resonancecascade 9 months ago

ahh hi i love your website!!!!

1 like
nickolox 9 months ago

thank you!!! >u<

1 like
hey guys srry for not updating for like so long. honestly i've been spending most of my free time playing tf2 LOL
hey your site is super cool!!!!
lamorte 10 months ago

thank you :) i like yours too

1 like
hi i love your site!!! we share a lot of interests too :D
ungoo 11 months ago

omg thank you :3 i just checked out your site and we do share a lot of interests....... yours is cool too!!!

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Last updated 2 hours ago
CreatedJun 21, 2021
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personal blog movies halflife