dreamsoup's lair and blog

15,440 updates
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I was reading through your blog and saw that you mentioned Leelah Alcorn. One of my friends back then was a mutual of hers and told me about what happened the night she passed along with her page before it was purged. I think about her story every once in a while and feel sad that she isn't here, and being older, sad that she died so young. Thanks for keeping her memory alive.
badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

i think about her almost everyday. it's tough to know that others have gone through the same thing, they just silently disappear.

thanks for the follow :)
mirageofmemories 1 week ago

ur welcome! loved your blogs

1 like
nethazard 1 week ago

thank you (again) ~!

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hey, eyeless. I saw your comment while combing through my old guestbook and I wanted to say thank you for your kind message. Seem like I missed your message by a few months. I wish the best in life for you as well and I'd love to stay in contact - you can reach me through my new guestbook if you ever take a trip down memory lane to your site again.
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i was browsing the last updated page and came across your site. it’s one of the coolest ive seen on neocities and your fictional stories are very vivid! I also love how Lucifer likes 2pac.
cainsploitation 2 weeks ago

thank you! you made my day :) your site is also superb <3

nethazard 2 weeks ago

thank you!

1 like
thanks for the follow. the exploding cursor is a great touch.
1 like
goatcvlt 2 weeks ago

Thanks! I think @skullmund did it first ️‍🔥

1 like

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 8, 2018
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videogames blogging 2000s music writing