Technically I'm not on a VPS or self-hosting. That's a lot more work security and maintenance-wise. I'm on a paid webhost instead that does a good job of setting up the necessary services for me (web server, firewall, etc.) that also gives me a bit of control over the behavior of Apache for my site.
Plus you pay for what you use on my host, which is nice. Cheaper than Neocities supporter for more features if you've got one site (if you make a ton of sites, you may want a host that doesn't charge for resources per site). I'm on NearlyFreeSpeech, for reference.
As much as possible, yes. The alt color schemes are the only thing that needs it, and I have light/dark CSS to fall back on the user's device preference if JS is disabled. Any pages that need a color scheme can be reached with the URL/sitemap alone as well, and any JS-formatted bits will still show something without JS.
pretty sure it just stays on your account, you just can't upload new blacklisted files
"Share stuff you create for the good of others. Open source your designs and code. Try to use the web for making other people's lives better. You have the power to reach millions of people - use it!" - Abigail Pain,
I wanted to originally have a separate portfolio website on sites, to have things more abstracted, but its still probably going to be linkable back to me. Alternatively, I was thinking of having separate identities for these two sites, which again, may limit what I can show to potential employers.
I personally wouldn't because some of what's on my site isn't something I'd want an employer to see at all, but that's me. I'll be making a separate professional portfolio under a different name if I ever need one, personally. You could also try hiding the content on the current site, but that depends on whether you expect something like curl or wget to be used to get the source for the site.
This is what happens if I middle click on a CD:
Hey Kuneho, the issue here is that using iframes is the only way to get the page to change the content while keeping the layout the same. I understand this can be done with php but I've heard that's not possible on Neocities. I noticed this issue with middle click so I placed a script which is supposed to disable middle click in that menu element - your browser may not be reading that script.
how to fix ur iframe links :3
All I can think is telling the CLI to use the delete option on everything (./*), though I don't know if that would work recursively. And then uploading it all again. Not the best, but might work.
Doesn't work unfortunately. It sucks that there's no tool on Neocities that allows you to make automated cleanups. :-/