K. Cottonears' Website

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Hey, pink! I noticed an issue using your website. Since you use an iframe instead of individual pages, this means users may encounter pages I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to (see replies), and the users who want to link to a certain page may not be able to do so, as everything is under /home.
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k-cottonears 1 month ago

This is what happens if I middle click on a CD:

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dustedpink 1 month ago

Hey Kuneho, the issue here is that using iframes is the only way to get the page to change the content while keeping the layout the same. I understand this can be done with php but I've heard that's not possible on Neocities. I noticed this issue with middle click so I placed a script which is supposed to disable middle click in that menu element - your browser may not be reading that script.

Let me know when you make yourself a button so I can add you to my links page! :P
Hey, pink! Your website's theme and palette are really nice! Also, I really like Reese! She's so adorable!
dustedpink 1 month ago

Thank you so much Kuneho!

Hey, Allison! I really like the aesthetics of your website! However, the contrast the background and text is too light. Even for somebody like me who doesn't have any eye problems, it is somewhat difficult to read. Maybe slightly change the text color? Besides that, nice website!
melokaji 1 month ago

is there a specific page that you have an issue with or the entire website? ^^

k-cottonears 1 month ago

The homepage has this issue. TBH, I think the guestboost has this issue, too.

owlroost 1 month ago

If it's any help, I find this tool works pretty well to test basic contrast. There are fancier ones, but this usually does the job for text on a background.

Hey, is anybody's computer fans going haywire every time they visit my website? You know, because of all the blur and shadows. Somebody on Newgrounds pointed it out, and want to see if other people also have an issue like this. Edit: Haywire is a bit of an overstatement, but is there still any signs of computer resources being overused?
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mimikitty49 2 months ago

its completley fine for me

owlroost 2 months ago

Mine is also fine (tested on a high-end desktop and a mid-range laptop).

Hey neighbour! I love your page's aesthetic!
k-cottonears 2 months ago

I appreciate it, pink!

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I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE SO MUCH!! its really unique and pretty and it reminds me of my old computer that i still have!!! i love it..its so pretty!! you did an amazing job on the disign :)
k-cottonears 3 months ago

Thanks for the comment, mimi!

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I hope I'm not misusing this. I just wanted to say thank you for the suggestion, Roost! I'll check out the website you showed me and see if I can improve.
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owlroost 3 months ago

You're not misusing this, no worries! Glad I could help.

Hey Genesis. Your homepage is super badass, but I think the audio you use is a bit too loud. Other than that though, I really like your website!
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genesisprototype 3 months ago

Thanks man, it's really appreciated!! I love yours too. And thanks for the feedback too, I'll try lowering the volume!

Heyo, I've been trying to improve the accessibility of my website. Things like making it more mobile friendly and things like that, but are there any other issues that need to be addressed? Bandwidth, performance, color?
owlroost 3 months ago

I think the only color issue that jumps out is that your blue text accent color is way too light- it only has a contrast radio of 2.95, with 7 being the ideal minimum to meet AAA guidelines. #Darkening to 154EB7 fixes that. Here's a good contrast checker if you want to run some numbers:

owlroost 3 months ago

Otherwise, your colors are unusually good. They're not painful or hard to read.

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CreatedAug 10, 2023
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