let me get a bite!

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been way too busy to work on the site lately :[ did add some stuff to the gallery though!
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HEYO just a heads up that i have changed the site background to be static for accessibility purposes! i also found a workaround for the issues i was having w the gif toggle script so i'll work on that once i get home after this weekend
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fangzzz 1 year ago

25ji page completely up to date (aside from the site playlist but that is low priority tbh). i also went back in and added proper alt text for all music links since they're images! and the member profile image links

fangzzz 1 year ago

ok so i am having trouble implementing bechnokid's freezeframe script... script itself works, but it for some reason makes all of the images it applies to WAY bigger than they normally display. will look into it, if anyone is familiar or has any workarounds, please let me know!

fangzzz 1 year ago

added a buffer before any stamps or blinkies on the graphics page as a temporary workaround but i plan on working on the script ASAP once i figure out how to fix the issue w it

ok so i have to stay up Very late tonight bc im travelling at like 3am BUT that gives me plenty of time to work on my site. gonna work on getting an animation toggle for the graphics garden (and the background if i can figure that out, ik it may be an accessiblilty issue. if not im considering changing the background to a less animated or non-animated one). also targetting updating my merch and music catalog pages
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uuuu i wasnt able to get as much done today as i would have liked... ended up hanging out w my sibling for a while and only got a few small changes in. btw if anyone could tell me if the new banner on the rin page is working thatd be sweet, i cant tell bc my browser cache is refusing to work w me
dendrophalaen 1 year ago

i see the banner on my end!

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thanks for following (and apologies for following back so late @_@)!!! if you don't mind me asking, how did you manage to implement a toggle for gifs on your blinky page? i've been meaning to add a toggle like that for my graphics garden but haven't had any luck.
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ok babes i am BACK officially. gonna be doing some work on updating certain pages on my site tonight!!!
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fangzzz 1 year ago

happy new year!!! new blog entry since i didnt get around to doing one last month!!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 19, 2023
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