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congrats dear Daniel for reaching +100 k views <3
danielsblog 1 year ago

Thank you very much! It's really important for me <3

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A great blog, I just read the part of subscribe to youtube channels. I propose another thing too, and evade the use of a google account: You can subscribe to youtube channels via RSS , using extensions like feedbro or any RSS client.
danielsblog 1 year ago

Yes, it's also good variant, but personally, in my regions, Youtube here is blocked, so RSS didn't works here.

danielsblog 1 year ago

Thank you very much for my blog rating!

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> I want to buy a new phone > I agree with you. I live in Russia, and they are exspansive here too. For all my life, i own 3 smartphones. The last my parents buy me in Jan 2023, when my notebook is broke. But, my Samsung J3 (2016) is still works. Anyway, smartphones sometimes it's really a good portable device to make music, read mail, play some game. If don't have something like Facebook, it gives only good results.
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moheb-rofail 1 year ago

Nice to meet you Daniel.. thanks for reading. Yes less facebook is better. I had disabled it on my smart phone too.

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danielsblog 1 year ago

moheb-rofail > Me too :D. Last weeks i finally, after a few years leave Telegram (it's like Signal, but more popular here), i plan this for a long time, but finally did this, when some strangers start to message me, and trying to get on my home. In the same time, Telegram become more social network, than messnger. Now i am happy with my hobbies, and don't even plan to come back, it's takes so much my personal time.

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moheb-rofail 1 year ago

Yes, I know telegram, but I use it on web because lack or rom memory on mobile. I think we should stay away from social networks and go toward hobbies and specialized sites.

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danielsblog 1 year ago

Yes, personal website it's something more special, than just page on socail media, with the same design. I still now only use Discord, and some local Social Network on my computer, to contact with some friends, for other friends we are use eMail. :^)

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