Matytoonist Web Archive

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matytoonistarchive 2 months ago

added a dragable and resizeable window

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thanks for the link :D got some more pics where i played with jpeg compression but i haven't gotten around to upload them yet
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Yo dope pictures! can't wait to see what else gets posted in here!... eventually
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matytoonistarchive 3 months ago

complete site revamp coming soon, i'll be porting some of the css-crimes i made on cohost over here

matytoonistarchive 3 months ago

the pics will probably get their own sub-page or something idk

matytoonistarchive 3 months ago

rn im just messing around with grid to get the hang of it

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bruno-rubim 3 months ago

I added a link to your website in my pictures section btw :D hope you're cool with that

bruno-rubim 3 months ago

Oh yeah go wild with it, the more you experiment the more you can find interesting ways to showcase your art

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federiefederi 7 months ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 6, 2023
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art games programming customization