894 updates
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site will update at 6PM UTC tomorrow!
my harddrive got corrupted and the only folders affected were the ones holding my website's new files. i just lost all my progress. hopefully, this shouldn't delay the reopening too much. but goddamn am i sad
automatic comfort dot net is discontinued until further notice! I've been meaning to post this back in December but didn't find the time, long story short, college is kicking my ass lol. I don't have the time to (re)learn how to code or make assets for this website at the moment... BUT. give it 6months-1year and I Will Be Back.... with Something Huge. hopefully. see ya then!
updating time !!! the website WILL break! i'm gonna have my little mad scientist moment (evil laugh)
wondering why there havent been updates in so long ? i'm desperatly trying to recode this website & can't figure out what layout would look good !!! thank you, i'll be back in maybe a week or two! im slowly figuring things out
i haven't updated this site in so long ! i promise i'll catch up later, college is taking up a lot of my free time for now
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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 23, 2023
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art personal blog