
1,675 updates
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volkodlak was updated.
8 months ago
volkodlak 8 months ago

Found time to write it while waiting for the movie to start lol

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I have a LONGGGG blog post to write soon.... But today I'm applying for a job I really want (wish me luck!!) and watching a movie with friends. Maybe tomorrow...?
manulzone 8 months ago

Good luck!

1 like
1 like
volkodlak 8 months ago

Thanks u guys!!! ^_^

Move went well. Probably wont update much till I can get an office chair tho
FINALLY SIGNED A LEASE !!! Still have to go through the transfer process at work and pack my stuff but I'll have free time again soon
your MD page is awesome!
1 like
volkodlak 9 months ago

Thanks!! I love your site too, I was trying to think of the words earlier & had to go AFK but it feels very cozy and it's easy to navigate. Love your art style too, btw! ^_^

1 like
volkodlak was updated.
10 months ago
volkodlak 10 months ago

Added the new song preview from the 28th.

volkodlak was updated.
10 months ago
volkodlak 10 months ago

Just wanted to switch a photo's URL from discord to file garden since discord isn't going to work for this anymore but now I swear the gallery is further to the left than it should be???

volkodlak 10 months ago

OK much better now

volkodlak was updated.
10 months ago
volkodlak 10 months ago

Finally stopped being lazy and added the new song preview to the gallery (since it's an Instagram reel video). This might be my last update to the site for a couple weeks depending on how this apartment application I'm doing goes

volkodlak was updated.
10 months ago
volkodlak 10 months ago

Added a few more band recommendations and slightly reorganized. In the planning stages for overhauling the whole page's design so look out for that

manulzone 10 months ago

Interesting, will check some of these out

1 like
volkodlak 10 months ago

@manulzone Awesome!! Feel free to let me know what you think of them ^_^

1 like
volkodlak was updated.
10 months ago
manulzone 10 months ago

Lovely background pattern

1 like
volkodlak 10 months ago

@manulzone thank you!! :)

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 28, 2017
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darkwave postpunk personal