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197 updates
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vnfanlisting 2 months ago

We got some new members!!! Please welcome Maka and Panacea :D

vnfanlisting 4 months ago

New buttons for people to use added! I can make more if anyone wants any particular VNs or genres represented.

Finally sat down and am working on more, prettier, buttons, should be done in the next week or so
vnfanlisting 5 months ago

THAT SHOULD BE EVERYONE I HOPE, resend if I missed you, sorry

OH MY GOD???? Google forms just stopped telling me I had responses T_T I have a bunch of people to add, I'm really sorry about that!!!
vnfanlisting 6 months ago

Bunch of new codes by Meowbark added!!! :D

vnfanlisting 7 months ago

MEOWBARK'S BUTTON HAS BEEN FIXED I s2g I fixed it a few days ago but the changes didn't save I...

Meowbark has been added to our member list :D

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 17, 2023
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