to be cured

2,479 updates
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hello, long time no see. i miss neocities.. messing around with a quotes generator inspired by diluculo.. oouh. i forgot if it's bad form to microblog in status updates. i also miss journaling, and miss seeing what people do on their sites. i turn 18 years old on the 14th.. i'm still the same as usual. my url is still ribbonns at heart. thinking a lot about omori lately, though. how is everyone?
turd 1 year ago

oh wow it’s such strange timing. I literally looked at your profile today (I was visiting profiles I haven’t seen on my feed in a while) | ω・`) I hope you’ve been well & I hope you have a lovely birthday!

diluculo 1 year ago

imo there's nothing wrong with microblogging in status updates i think, what point is a feature on a site if one won't use it? seeing peoples thoughts and stuff on things is always interesting as well, i never mind seeing it while scrolling the activity tab. also happy early birthday!!!!!!

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fi-do-manin 1 year ago

Missed you!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 25, 2021
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personal vocaloid nintendo