Thoughts of Sirlan [TO BE MOVED]

2,369 updates
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Will probably make a github or gitlab account soon, and post there the code I use for (generating) the site. Even if it's trash I'd hope someone can learn from my mistakes.
Just having some fun trying to make this floating window kind of page, don't really have any plans on how to use it tho. feel free to poke around
Been working on some other stuff, like trying to game, and doing a small revamp of the language. Also nothing to say right now I guess, anyway, hello yall
Not working on the Adventure page anymore, ain't creative enough to update it from time to time, you can still view it trough /adventure.html and look at the garbage JS and copy if you want to do something similar. Though a lot of the work went into the script to generate it, so I may upload it somewhere some day.
Added a proper RSS feed for the posts! Like everything, it is half-baked-ly updated with the site generator script.
Have a first shrine page, it's about All Tomorrows :)

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJan 25, 2021
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worldbuilding programming personal art language