Home - Silvally Plushie

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silvallyplushie 1 year ago

Overall a minor update, but most importantly, I got a new laptop!

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New articles/events pages! I'm starting a series of pages on Blaseball due to its recently-announced closure. Read more on the news update on the front page!
silvallyplushie 1 year ago

Very minor update.

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silvallyplushie 1 year ago

TWO new pages!

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silvallyplushie 1 year ago

Updated buddyquest & added a news item about this and the last minor update. Most of my work recently has been offline/not uploaded to the site yet.

silvallyplushie 1 year ago

demyx & luxord name guess spreadsheet!

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silvallyplushie 1 year ago

updated buddyquest to have a flexbox!

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love your kh pokemon team picks! haven't finished reading all of them yet but so far xemnas is my favorite, I would LOVE to see fic of him with giratina <3
silvallyplushie 1 year ago

thank you!! :D

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Update: List of Bunny Pokémon!
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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2023
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pokemon kingdomhearts kh spreadsheets