4,643 updates
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I managed to find your site through a friend's following list. Let's just say, I don't regret coming here. Keep up the great content!
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segadreameye 2 years ago

Thank you! I'm slow at updating but seeing that there are people who still like t makes me happy!

1 like
CHECKING DISC was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
Sorry i have been so lazy about updating my site and only updating my about for my twitter...
segadreameye 2 years ago

Like i got no excuses i'm just lazy lmao

CHECKING DISC was updated.
2 years ago
1 like
CHECKING DISC was updated.
2 years ago
Hey, I love your site! It feels like we were cut from the same cloth!
CHECKING DISC was updated.
2 years ago
CHECKING DISC was updated.
3 years ago
CHECKING DISC was updated.
3 years ago
CHECKING DISC was updated.
3 years ago

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedOct 26, 2017
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