Sacha's website (better name to come)

113 updates
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can't wait to see more! one of these payday's i'll try to get a few zines. do you have any online copies of your comic? sorry if you say somewhere and i missed it!
sacha06 2 years ago

Hey there. Thank for stopping by. The comic series I am working on at the moment (Seeds of Spring) isn't online yet because it is with a publisher. You can order them from the publishers site or order them through a comic book store)I eventually hope to start a webcomic, but I need to finishe this series first. I will however be positing personal art and such on my site.

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geouniversal 2 years ago

thanks! i am nova scotian so a mikmaq punk story is very appealing!!

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 17, 2022
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art comics manga rpg fantasy