Leichpfands Hölle

663 updates
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Trying to learn "Losing Face" on guitar today was hell, the strumming pattern is way too hard for a week-old guitarist like myself and 2 chords were hard to do as well... I'll get it eventually I guess
Had a dream today, damn I really do not know shit about what's going on in my upstairs. Anyways, ReAd AlL aBoUt It In ToDaY's BlOg PoSt!!1!
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i really like your site! i also really relate 2 your blog post... being trans is so confusing. theres such a social aspect to transness, i think thats why so many of us come to the internet and anonymous blogs about it, here we can express our feelings in a void yk away from what we might say or think when we are in a social setting if that makes sense.
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leichpfand 1 month ago

Thank you, for the comment and for making me feel understood, truly <3

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I actually need someone to read today's blog and tell me wtf is wrong with me I just had the worst epiphany ever
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Right after my MGMT week and my transitional Michael Jackson weekend, get ready for Salad Days week! I hate that my tastes work this way :(
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Last updated 15 hours ago
CreatedJun 16, 2024
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music personal blog trans