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he has worked in biology for years and that there are only 2 sexes biologically (which isn't even true ngl...) but that he will treat people as they wish to be treated so that's neat, I still only have my classmated to worry about! It's odd cuz the guy saying these things is an immigrant, like if the far-right party came into power he'd be the first one out the damn door I don't get people like this...
I did notice most of the class telling him to stop in a more lighthearted way when he brought it up with the teacher so I guess it's only him that's a real issue... I don't know though, this is a very bad situation ngl! This sucks, and the teacher is now talking about trans ppl having too much freedom to get to hrt and srs and then regretting it, awesome.
ok well the teacher has backtracked on a few things, saying trans people are ok but when they're adults that transition and that if his daughter brought it up to him he'd consider it. I get it, he's a rational individual, tbh before joining the trans community I held similar points. He'll be fine with me I hope...