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Ahhh, it's easier said than done, but please try not to feel silly for having this emotional reaction!! It's honestly understandable that you would feel this way... sometimes I can be really competitive about the things I love too. It's not that that the other person has done or anything wrong, or you want to "show them up", but it's often rooted in like... wanting to be the best you can be!
And that desire can lead you to be really hard on yourself, which doesn't help you at all. But I hope that things improve for you too... maybe things are different in the conservatory world, but to me, you're still very long to go after your dreams. There's never a time limit on things like that too... but either way, I'm sorry and wishing the best for you! ♡♡
@inkcaps Hi Sarah, thank you very much for being so understanding. It's a mindset I tried to unlearn, but sometimes it comes back full force!
And I guess you're right, I'm not too old and it's not too late. There are even older people than me in conservatory who started studying their instrument only recently and they're doing great (also professionally)! I tend to think catastrophically when I get sad ... But it will pass! I already feel better thanks to your kind words. ♥️