Cool Zone

1,695 updates
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i love ur site and ur art is so good!! i love the vintage style of ur site <3
1 like
alongcomesmary 1 year ago

thank you so much!!! :DDD you're too kind omg! ^^

ahh!! I love your site !! Your drawing of Data is gorgeous!! :DD
klaxonsynth 12 months ago

hii omg sorry i didn't see this till now thank u so much!! i love your site too <3

Cool Zone was updated.
1 year ago
klaxonsynth 1 year ago

new art is up :) ill work on adding new pages so you can see each image as its full size.

Cool Zone was updated.
1 year ago
klaxonsynth 1 year ago

sorry for the lack of updates recently :( i added my artfight to my links page! hopefully i can get around to some of the other updates i've had planned for my site sometime soon.

Thanks for the follow
sorry for the lack of updates to my site lately !! but ! i come with a message ! im doing artfight! since the site is so slow right now, not all my characters are up yet. but stay tuned..
oh my god this is so impressive ??
i love ur site and ur art !!!!!! tysm for following !! :)
1 like
foggybear42 1 year ago

oh thank you sm !! ur site is rad!

wowie your site is incredible!!! thank you for following !!
space-bar 1 year ago

Thanks! I love finding cool websites like yours! 😎

1 like
Heya there! You've got some pretty funky arts there, I dig the style and all the different creatures you drew :V Keep up the cool coding work and stay artful! ⚑
klaxonsynth 1 year ago

thank you so much !!!

1 like
ninacti0n 1 year ago

You're welcome!! ^^

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedNov 17, 2022
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personal art homosexuality gay