* Neon's Cute Blog *

576 updates
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I am, for some godforsaken reason, working on yet another game instead of my website... oops ^^;;;
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ANOTHER new game!!! Please enjoy "Dice Dress-Up!" :)
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Got another game coming up soon! Look forward to it within the next few days!
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fwonsh 2 weeks ago

You can tell it's been forever since I've drawn these doofuses by the way the newest post looks so inconsistent :')

Thanks for the follow!! your page is ABSOLUTELY adorable! i love the wigglin' buttons up at the top :3
fwonsh 3 weeks ago

Thank you!!! ;w; Likewise I love your site, I'm incredibly intrigued by the radio setup and I hope to discover some new music through it :D

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Didn't even notice until last night that I reached (and passed!) 25 followers!!! idk how many of y'all are active on here but it makes me happy to know people are getting to enjoy my little space of the internet :')
MAJOR GAMES UPDATE! You can now play "Ridonkulous Beatzmaster", straight in the webpage! Also, I've moved the Sweethearts section to the top of the games page for easier access, AND re-linked the social media spoof supplemental site (say that three times fast!) Hope you enjoy :D
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I know I promise this a bunch but SOON I'll have a game page update... for realz. >A<;;;
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Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 27, 2024
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creative art personal games ocs