458 updates
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noticed an error on the art page where the twitter link is broken and leads to a 404. will fix in the next update, should be in a couple of days
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drtydgtl 7 years ago

BUMPER UPDATE! Two new pages - a nice splash page with a short intro story, and an art page with some of my drawings! // The logo now has randomised subtitles! There are 44 of them in total. No I did not copy Minecraft, shut up. (This was also added yesterday btw) // Couple of buttons replaced on the homepage. // Fixed a couple of errors with page names here and there.

jeremyredhead 7 years ago

I really love your splash page, literally the best one I've ever seen! <3

drtydgtl 7 years ago

STOP PRESS - had to make a couple of edits to the splash page because a) the audio was LOUD (it's quieter now) and b) adblock programs actually blocked the fake ads. Whoops. and thank you jeremy <3<3

drtydgtl 7 years ago

STOP PRESS 2 - edited the back button on most pages because it linked to splash and not home. sorry for the rapid fire fixes, all should be cool now

lighttrax has reached over 5,000 views!! :0
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drtydgtl 7 years ago

small but fun update - the home page logo now has randomised subtitles! there's 44 in total for now.

drtydgtl 7 years ago

New misc page! Will be used for anything that doesn't really deserve it's own page. Right now there's a couple of nice downloads there for ya. // Some new music added and some switch-arounds - Glitch Art now has music and About and Misc have switched tracks. In addition, track titles are now underneath the music player. Unless otherwise stated, all tracks come from the Light Trax OST. // Discord widget on home page.

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i made a new discord server! the invite will be put on the site in the next update, but for now you can join here!
drtydgtl 7 years ago

two small updates - new homepage background (it changes color!!) and recent updates has been moved to a new page.

anyone here ever heard of babelfishing?
joppiesaus 7 years ago

I've never heard of it!

drtydgtl 7 years ago

it's basically taking some kind of paragraph or message and putting it through a lot of languages in a language translator so that what comes out is completely different! it's something i love doing and the results are usually crazy

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drtydgtl 7 years ago

added a bunch 'o buttons!

you know what i havent done yet? added buttons to my site. lemme do that now

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Last updated 6 years ago
CreatedMay 2, 2017
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art personal glitch writing creative