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drtydgtl 6 years ago

BUMPER UPDATE! Two new pages - a nice splash page with a short intro story, and an art page with some of my drawings! // The logo now has randomised subtitles! There are 44 of them in total. No I did not copy Minecraft, shut up. (This was also added yesterday btw) // Couple of buttons replaced on the homepage. // Fixed a couple of errors with page names here and there.

jeremyredhead 6 years ago

I really love your splash page, literally the best one I've ever seen! <3

drtydgtl 6 years ago

STOP PRESS - had to make a couple of edits to the splash page because a) the audio was LOUD (it's quieter now) and b) adblock programs actually blocked the fake ads. Whoops. and thank you jeremy <3<3

drtydgtl 6 years ago

STOP PRESS 2 - edited the back button on most pages because it linked to splash and not home. sorry for the rapid fire fixes, all should be cool now

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Last updated 5 years ago
CreatedMay 2, 2017
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art personal glitch writing creative