
277 updates
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So, guys, the site is going into rebranding. I realized that the site is boring and I don't like it, so I will return it in a much changed and more interesting form. And I also realized that there is nothing to do in Russian here. Of course, there are no Russian sites in Indiweb and becoming the only active one is a cool idea, but I understand that my subscribers are not Russian and that I limit the circle of people
baseddogblog 1 month ago much that they can read the blog, so... I don't even know what to actually do, I have thoughts of translating the site, but in the future I may change my mind, as it adds a LOT of unnecessary headaches, I am bad at writing English... I still can't decide what is better to do with the language of the site, if you have smart thoughts or advice on this matter - you can write in the comments. Perhaps the site will

baseddogblog 1 month ago

...not be there for months, or even six months, but I will definitely return this year, when everything suits me. EXPECT A NEW BASEDDOGBLOG THIS YEAR

baseddogblog 2 months ago

Опять он показывает старую страницу 🤦‍♂️

This is what YouTube was supposed to become, but he died for our sins
youtuube 2 months ago

and we shall rebuild from the ashes ✊

Сайт обновлён, чекайте /blog/ и /dog/. Наверное в следующий раз забью на то, что он показывает не те страницы, чё парится то
Он показывает в апдейте все страницы во вселенной, но только не новую... В любом случае, сегодня был апдейт, чекайте /upd/ и /dog/

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedDec 14, 2024
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personal dog blog russian retro