The Winter Solstice

5,250 updates
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Nice looking home page/index. Looking forward to exploring it!
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4/4/24 - Did some minor corrections to the doom page.
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4/4/24 - Changed "upallnight" page to "up-all-night"
4/4/24 - Put the releases of BURNSTONE and EXIT.WAD on the doom page. (Will update more today)
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Thanks for putting the Quake Worlds link on your page, could you remove the link you have on the dark pit image? People can download it from the link in the text through my page. Thanks.
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hey, does it matter if I put your quake map on my site? take a look: p.s: i love your quake maps!
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wintersolsticezero 1 year ago

Hey, thanks a lot! I checked out your link, and I wonder if you could put a direct link to the Quake Worlds page? It has a direct download to the map. Thanks Again, your wads look cool!

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wintersolsticezero 1 year ago

Also, the link you have for My Map just has the BSP file. With a direct link to my Quake Worlds page, the text file and map file is included.

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18/1/24 - Removed "Target Practice" description (Quake), Changed "Quake" page title to "Quake Worlds", Changed "Doom" page's title to "My Doom Wads".

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedDec 14, 2022
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doom quake music mapping slenderverse