texas is forever

1,597 updates
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renovations: tedious but necessary and fun when you get into the swing of things. thx for 10k page views...
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I more or less have the homepage skeleton set up so I need to work on revamping the blog pages next. I want to make an advice column too lol.
ok well i sort of fixed things. ill continue tomorrow. i want to redo my nav bar next and center align it. and make new pages.
i feel kind of crazy wtf is happening with my webbed site
yall does the new custom font for my header work for yall. for some reason the new font only shows up on mobile for me?????????
this custom font shit is taking up too much time. am i tripping or does the custom font load on the thumbnail for my site but not the site itself. ugh.
i have GOT to remember how to code
gonna totally revamp the website. starting with the header font but its too complicated to get done at school smh
can someone tell me what the fuck im doing wrong with my gifs on my homepage. i know theres something wrong w the css ugh
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grlrot 1 year ago

Hi!! I looked at your css, and under .blinkies you forgot to close the } bracket, so all the code after that got messed up!

texasisforever 1 year ago

@grlrot oh man thank you sooo much ive been messing with it for hours ahhh

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grlrot 1 year ago

yesss i'm so glad that helped! btw are you using a code editor or doing it on neocities? i use sublime text (which is free) and i basically highlights when i've made a mistake!! sorry if i'm overstepping

texasisforever 1 year ago

@grlrot im mostly doing it all in neocities right now. i like to use codepen for browser based editing and creating templates. ill check out sublime text!

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMay 24, 2023
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