Take a Piece

1,551 updates
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Hey man, nice website. I read a couple of your blogs and on your portion on tech. It's really relatable to when I was younger. Society nowadays is apathetic to those are considered 'useless'. I'm down to talk via emails or something if you're up for it. Take care!
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wizardperspective 3 years ago

Hey. Thanks for following. I am glad you found an interest for my website. My site is more or less a place to vent for myself but I welcome anyone to read through it. At the moment, I don't have an email set up for communication but keep an eye out for a contact portion on my website real soon. I'll be glad to get in touch soon. Likewise, have a good one.

Is it fine I use the design of your website? It's really unique and looks cool. I'll give you credit at the bottom for the design of it. I'm thinking of having it only for the home page.
lawneet 3 years ago

I don't mind at all. I'm glad you like the design.

I think your website is really cool and refreshing! satan is often referred to the prince of the power of the air. People ( made connections that there is power in the air instead of powerplants and stuff.
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takeapiece 3 years ago

I'm referring to your notes on Exodus 40:38

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJan 21, 2021
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programming truth bible christianity blog