watching for fire

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Haven't updated in forever. Just posted some gifs that are highly shareable.
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Hey neighbor! I stumbled across your page and noticed you have your site tagged as 'conspiracy' and 'truth'. :) I'd love to extend an invite to you to join the Free Speech Webring I'm hosting! It's quite new but once a few members join, it'll help more folks on Neocities and within the Web Revival movement discover your blog. Anyways, I just wanted to drop by and mention it! Keep up the great work on your site! :)
Hey! Loving the videos. Theres a Channel i found named~ San Francisco truth ~ on bitchute. He talks about san Francisco and how the tech industry is actually the beast of revelations. Also how you can see the shape of the beast from the geography of the location through google maps. Interesting for sure.
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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedNov 24, 2020
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bible scripture truth religion conspiracy