Steak in the Daylight

3,629 updates
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Hi! Can I ask what method you're using to play the music on your webpages? Also, i really like gifypets!
melonking 2 years ago

Hi, thank you! Most audio is just HTML audio but some is autoplaying youtube videos with display turned off!

steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

i'm a goffy goober

a lot of little edits (ledits), but the most important ones to me are on the About page. I tried to make it more concise. also added another gifypet cause it's so cool!!! also my 404 page has a hidden link in it :3c
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I'm dooonnneeee, it took so looonnnggg
Heads up, I'm going to be restructuring links again, mainly for images. So a lot of pictures are going to appear blank for a while.
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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedApr 14, 2022
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