Since you already have the gallery split up into sections, you could use Javascript to have each section load individually through something like an onclick event. I do that for the videos on my YTPMV page.
hello :o) i started off imagining what the bedrooms of random characters might look like, and i learnt how everything from the objects to style of furniture to age of the house can create so much narrative about not only the character but story is for me after so many years actually easier than drawing people XD angles r difficult but i learnt 1/2/3 point perspective and it helped a lot :)
Hey, thank you for checking out my shrine! I'm glad to see more Scrafty fans out there, and more people who understand SoulSilver had its issues. I checked your art gallery, and I really like your blend of cute characters and ghastly themes - especially "Paranoid Psychosis"! See you again around the web soon :)