Steak in the Daylight

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So, my website actually does rescale for mobile devices... EXCEPT the images. There must be some way to do that. I know websites like Deviantart and Newgrounds have a way of doing this. Maybe I'll view their page sources and see if it's in there. It could be something in their CSS.
Art dump tomorrow, hopefully if i don't get sidetracked. Gonna try some more javascript things too
I've been doing digital abstracts more recently. If you want to see one, give me a theme/feeling. ex. scraping fork on ceramic
I've put some more javascript to help optimize load times in a way. So now not every image is loading at once. I've done this on the gallery and the homepage so far. For writing, I am going to figure out sprite sheets.
that NSP place deleted our comments, and those of other people who complained about what they were doing. and they still didn't even unfollow those who asked.
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psshaw 2 years ago

HAHA woah, that’s skeevy. Nbd, looked like a high school band so maybe they’ll grow from this.

melvins-world 2 years ago

NSP deleted my comment too. It's pretty unprofessional; they could have just unfollowed me like I asked. Typical brand/label behavior I guess :/. In any case, I don't blame the bands themselves. One of them has even been on Neocites for a while and has operated honestly!

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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedApr 14, 2022
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art videogames personal fiction writing