Steak in the Daylight

3,629 updates
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only got 2 things left on my to-do list. the last one is going to take a long time though
I created a shrine for toy collections! :) Also, some pages have a desktop and mobile version because a couple didn't look right otherwise.
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UPDATES TO DA SITE: 1.images should NOW BE RESPONSIVE!! they be scaled on mobile properly! 2. gallery images are now thumbnails with actual html, that's uh neat i think! 3. many images have been compressed for the sake of faster loading in general!
steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

oof i made this update via my extra site

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crossed off 4 things on to-do... hoping for 5 by the end of the day
woohoo the load times of the site are becoming faster and faster! thank you tiny png

Website Stats

Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedApr 14, 2022
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art videogames personal fiction writing