Steak in the Daylight

3,629 updates
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only got 2 things left on my to-do list. the last one is going to take a long time though
I created a shrine for toy collections! :) Also, some pages have a desktop and mobile version because a couple didn't look right otherwise.
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UPDATES TO DA SITE: 1.images should NOW BE RESPONSIVE!! they be scaled on mobile properly! 2. gallery images are now thumbnails with actual html, that's uh neat i think! 3. many images have been compressed for the sake of faster loading in general!
steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

oof i made this update via my extra site

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crossed off 4 things on to-do... hoping for 5 by the end of the day
woohoo the load times of the site are becoming faster and faster! thank you tiny png

Website Stats

Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedApr 14, 2022
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art videogames personal fiction writing