Steak in the Daylight

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steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

I have 3 chapters of an AI collab story done XD gonna use placeholder symbols until I draw new ones to mark collabs and AI collabs

This looks pretty cool! I haven't seen much fan content for Tamagotchi outside of Japan so I'm looking foward to it.
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tamagotchi-fc 2 years ago

Hi, Steak! Thank you for the comment! :) And thank you for the lovely compliment too, I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to what's to come indeed! It can be a lot of fun (if a little difficult...) searching for western-made tamagotchi content, so I'm really excited to be able to contribute to it! 😊 Enjoy your day!

steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

been a while since I added to this. hopefully will happen more often. i'm deciding if i should make a symbol or a separate section for AI assisted writings

so on the cats_dreams.html page, the javascript isn't working on the button. For every other page I used this method, it works just fine. Click button, image changes. But this one isn't working. I inspected the page, and it says there's a "Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected token: identifier". But when I was editing it, there were no error messages. And I've compared this page to the others with this script countless
steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

times and have found no differences. So I really have no clue what the issue is. If someone else could view the source code and spot it, maybe?

i don't get why document.getElementById isn't working on the new page i made. it still works on every other page i used it, and the script is all the same
i made a second site for the extra stuff in more links! it's also experimental
Due to some personal issues, I am probably not going to be finishing new art or writing anytime soon. I'll finish what I've already started, and afterward, I'll take a break. I'm going to make a sketch/edit section for the art galleries, and post a "text doodles" page for writing stuff I'm not finishing.
steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

I worked a lot today actually, but that thing is 1. going to take several MORE hours to finish and 2.NSFW. So let me know if you want to see a screenshot of it in CS Paint.

steakinthedaylight 2 years ago

(talking to myself) i will probably still make a separate page for each sketch but i am setting myself up for massive tasks of tedium if i ever decide to add something to all gallery pages... oh well~

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CreatedApr 14, 2022
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art videogames personal fiction writing