If you got any suggestions for improvements on it (or really this entire webpage tbh), feel free to send me a message, I'm always all ears!
Thanks so much! I took a peek at your site, I love the 3D model you made of Skull, it looks so cool!
- If I can continue. Like... I've been struggling to come up with ideas for drawings, and whenever someone suggests one, it just feels like I can't do it. So... I dont know if I'll continue to update this webpage, at least not for now. I really dont have anything interesting to show anymore, and I dont know if Im capable of doing art anymore... Sorry everyone, but in either case, have a good weekend
...maybe I do, but now I feel purposeless; Drawing was the only thing I was decent at....but a break cant hurt more, I guess
If you need ideas for things to draw you might wanna try reading/watching/playing some things or just hanging out with friends. You might wanna try getting some people together to play something like gartic phone or some other drawing game (the jackbox packs also have some but you have to buy those).
Regarding the imposter syndrome sorta feeling, you sometimes just have to force yourself to start on things. It might not turn out exactly how you want it but you should at least think of it as practice to get better. Like others have mentioned taking a break from the net might also help.
First off, I do appreciate everyone here who's trying to help, I really do... Uh, about the first message, Hydro (if I can call you that), I never really... read, or watched anything, I was always a bit of a sheltered kid growing up, and now Im scared of doing those things, in all honesty. About the latter, well... I'd need friends, which are difficult to come by, at least for me.-
- About the second comment, I do already force myself to do things. If it wasn't for me forcing myself to do stuff, this website wouldnt exist (I've wanted to do it 3 months before I actually did it). Problem is, you kinda need... somewhere to start, or at least an end goal.... both of which I don't really got. Thanks again for everyone who has been here with me tho, Im grateful for that
Dont get me wrong, I love the chaos that comes with the old internet aesthetic, but I really like how my webpage is a representation of myself. Doesn't mean there's nothing I wanna change :P
Perhaps you could add more pages. That way you can leave what you have untouched.