Skull's Art Corner

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Screw it, I will be doing the Streaming Month, for a friend. Details in the last week of this month
guys, would it be funny if I streamed almost every day of december?
skulldollar 3 months ago

asking for fwiend

Okay, so, remember that uh... timelapse video I made for 'Silence is Death?' Yeah, right? Well, it has risen to the point of being the second most watched video on me channel... somehow. No really, that was a short vid I made because my friend asked me if I could do it why does it have over 600 views-
hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates recently, was caught up with school stuff like exams, plus work, so... yeah, not a lot of time. School year has pretty much ended tho, I really only have one more thing to do, and it... actually involves this website, since Im making a little uh... showcase of my art? I guess? its for that forms I told ya'll to fill (thx for that btw!)
skulldollar 4 months ago

I promise I'll go back to doing art in a bit, aight? I just need to uh... get ideas, honestly :P (Also, semi-related, but why does that timelapse I made for the last drawing had so many views??? last I checked it had like, 420 or smth (nice number amirite))

So uh... long time, no? heh, I promise I havent turned into a literal skeleton (yet), but I am happy with the drawing I posted today, and while I did say it there, I made a timelapse ( so uh... if you fancy it, feel free to watch it!
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Aight, thx everyone who helped me vote on the drawings! 16 votes in total! Im gonna post a few details in the comments:
skulldollar 4 months ago

The Losers (Didnt get a single vote): Denji | Genshin Whale | Goblin Tinkerer | dumb | Leozin | FNF Icons | Luke | Miner Skull

skulldollar 4 months ago

The Winner (Aka. the ones most voted for that are going to be put on display): Totoro (12) | WAR Feat. Skull (10) | Reclaimed (8) | Zeep (8) | Michael Jackass (7) | Zé with leaf (7) | Match (7) | 3D Skull (7)

skulldollar 4 months ago

Special Cases- Bookmark: Had 8 votes, but it was gonna be displayed anyways, due to it being an actual physical item, which would be fun to talk about | Blomma: Had 1 vote, but it's my favorite artpiece, so it's an 'artist's choice' type of ordeal

btw, dont fret about the new page; small arg Im making for my discord profile, I promise you arent missing anything, okie?

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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