Sammy Sosa's Playhouse

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out of all the profiles on this site, this has to be one of the most interesting. i don't know much about baseball but i'm a simple man and i like to say sammy sosa's name sometimes in moments of mental idleness. it's sorta like when you space out and before you know it, you've been singing the theme song of friends but you replaced all the lyrics to gibberish. anyways i appreciate your spirit. cheers!
sammysosasplayhouse 4 years ago

Thanks! We appeal to a niche that's a bit different than most NeoCities sites, but that's part of the fun for us. Always glad to spread the word of Sammy. Protip: say "Sammy Sosa sells seashells by the sea shore" for maximum fun.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedFeb 20, 2017
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baseball sports humor 90s journalism