
1,063 updates
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pulappli was updated.
7 months ago
1 like
pulappli was updated.
7 months ago
your site really inspired me in getting to revamping my entire witchy practice page. since i began it, ive learned so much including realizing that ive actually been working with several gods from the pantheon without knowing it! i love reading your thoughts, its very real and reassuring to see someone else on their path!
pulappli 7 months ago

Thank you!! I feel like I've barely even started, but I'm so happy to hear that my site and my story are already helping others :>

1 like
Finished up adding my virtual altar and the necessary links to navigate :> And also finally made a link to my Neocities profile! I'd been meaning to do that for a while.
pulappli was updated.
7 months ago
pulappli was updated.
7 months ago
Holy shit, I sorta figured out how to get my website to look decent on a phone. It's not perfect (font size is way too small), but it's way better!!
pulappli was updated.
7 months ago
pulappli was updated.
8 months ago
pulappli was updated.
1 year ago

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedMay 27, 2022
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religion paganism spirituality lgbt dionysus