Papershoe by Shoe

495 updates
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papershoe 6 months ago

Just added to my to-do list

vashti 6 months ago

So happy to be on your links page! Your words about my site are so kind (oยดโˆ€`o)

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Your last blogpost ("Working with my Brain ...") really resonated with me. I do the exact same thing with things that are out of sight, out of mind. I want things to be aestehically pleasing but also don't want/can't invest the time to make it so AND still have it do the things it is supposed to. My bullet journal has two nice looking months - I've used the whole thing for 2 weeks. So, thank you for the tips!
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Hi, thank you for following me! I love how clean your website is, and I can't wait to see what more you add on to it! Walking isn't a boring hobby at all either imo!! It's very relaxing, and you never know what you can find either! ;u;
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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedSep 24, 2023
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